Food displays in Japan

When you come to Japan you will notice high quality Japanese replica food displays in the shop window. Most restaurants are using plastic food to show samples of their menu in their window display. They look so delicious!

I went to Kappa bashi place. There are some shops that make and sell the plastic food. It is amazing to see all the different things they make. It is very much an art.

The tempura plastic display is amazing, you would eat this if you didn’t know that is fake!

If You love beer you will love this plastic display beer. This photo shows a model beer in the Kirin beer glass etc. Japanese love the foam in a beer, personally I cannot understand that but hey. So, this is very Japanese style beer sample.

This is Japanese Sushi. A perfect shape and colour! Looking at these samples does play tricks on your mind. It’s strange, I want to eat Sushi now!

Meat, Fish and vegetables. Great quality and looks better than real food.

I recommend to present foods sample magnet and key holders.

But Kappa bashi is very expensive. One magnet and key holder is around 1000 yen. This is because they are handmade. If you are a restaurant manager, you should buy the handmade food samples at Kappabashi. But if you want to buy for presents. I recommend you go to Daiso, the 100-yen shop. There you can get Sushi magnet and key holders for only 100 yen.

I need to tell you some real Japan information. Sometimes the plastic food samples are so amazing that they look better than real food. So please do not trust it too much. You may feel sad when you receive your meal! In fact, very amazing food samples always state “THIS IS JUST AN IMAGE.” I feel that’s a warning sign!

 Article written by David 
Photos by David


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